Hardstone carving artwork “Fawn” created in animalistics genre by stone carver Dmitriy Emelyanenko.
The work is made of Beloretsk quartzite, eyes made of black tourmaline.
Artwork was created in 2005.
Hardstone carving artwork “Fawn” created in animalistics genre by stone carver Dmitriy Emelyanenko.
The work is made of Beloretsk quartzite, eyes made of black tourmaline.
Artwork was created in 2005.
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Stone cutting work “Harmonist” made in volumetric mosaic technique by stonecutter Dmitriy Emelyanenko. In 1998, the work was exhibited at the Summer Sonata exhibition held by the Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts. The work was published in the book of V. Seyranyan “Picturesque Tales in Stone”. Moscow 2002 Artworks was created in 1995.
Hardstone carving work “Buffalo” made in animalistics genre by stone carver artist Dmitriy Emelyanenko. Artwork was created in 2008.
Hardstone carving artwork “City policeman” made in volumetric mosaic technique by stone carver Dmitriy Emelyanenko. In 1998, the work was exhibited at the city exhibition “Summer Sonata” and “Ekaterinburg Art – 275”, held by the “Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts”. The work was published in the book by Valentin Skurlov “K. Faberge and his successors. Stone-cutting…
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